Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Two More Sleeps . . .

I am still having good success with the Percocet. No side effects so far and the pain control is great! Being relatively pain free is sure helping me prepare for surgery because I have more energy and actually feel pretty good both physically and mentally. Getting good sleep helps immensely too, and I have had dreamless, deep sleeps the last two nights.

I have already made a list of things I will be taking with me into hospital and have started packing. When I start packing too soon I have a tendency to take way too much stuff with me so I have selected my smallest suitcase and vow that when it is full, that's it - no more stuff!!! If there is anything I desperately need, my People can always bring it to the hospital for me.

Today will be my last day at work for a while, and we really don't know how long I will be away. This surgery seems to have a different healing timeline for everyone so it is very hard to estimate exactly how long I will be off work. Also, I don't know much yet about what will be happening after I have recovered. I know I will be having chemotherapy at some point but until the surgeons get Charlene the heck outta there and see exactly what kind of a malignant thing she is, what kind of damage she may have caused by squatting in my ribcage, and most important, if she has sent any nasty offspring to other parts of my body, they can't really make firm plans for follow up and chemotherapy.

So at the moment, I have only one major thing to concentrate on - the surgery. And all I really have to do is get myself to the hospital on time, let the medical members of my Eviction Team do their thing, then follow their instructions for getting myself healed up.


Two more sleeps.

-- L


Anonymous said...

Please know that the thoughts and prayers of many are with you.

AM said...

You are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you the very best during the eviction and I know that Charlene will not mind getting the heck out of town. Your attitude toward all of this has been truly amazing. Please know that you will be missed while you are away but work - and all of us - will be here when you return. Just concentrate on keeping that 'health ball' up in the air. I will be thinking of you often. Take Care.

Anonymous said...

Lori,You are an amazing person who has the energy and spunk to kick Charlene right out of the house.  My prayers and those of so many others are with you. As I gaze out at the lake, I am in awe of God's majesty and know that he is with you during this very difficult time. I pray that the operation goes well and Charlene will soon be on her way out! Sening my love, Di

Anonymous said...

I didn't know this would be your last day at work! You'll be missed an awful lot, LLL. Good luck with your surgery. You have a lot of people in your corner. - Cheryl