Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I'm Home!

Even though Tara already wrote a post to let everyone know I got sprung from the hospital today, I have to write my own to say a few things:

1. Man, am I glad to be disconnected from the pumps and the hoses and the monitors! I can walk around without dragging any machinery! I no longer have people asking me about my urine, gas and stool output. (Sorry, I know this is a bit graphic, but it gets tiresome having nurses ask when was the last time you peed. Every time I saw a nurse, s/he was sure to ask about some bodily function or other.)

2. Man, am I glad to be home! Just to bask in quietness after the continuous background roar of hospital noises is a treat. Plus, I got home to a very unexpected surprise: The Spice Moms and a couple of friends in cahoots with my mother had redone my bedroom - repainted, recurtained, rearranged and really nicely done. The bathroom was redone too; not too sure about purple in the bathroom but it will grow on me, I'm sure.

3. Man, am I glad I have so many friends! So many came to visit in the hospital, so many sent cards or gifts or flowers, so many sent messages of hope and good cheer, that my spirits were always buoyed up. I feel such gratitude for all of this support. Thank you, everyone.

-- Lori

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