Tuesday, March 24, 2009

How Things Are Going . . .

This being the second week of my second round of chemotherapy with the new drugs, I have tingly hands today, so this may be a very short post. At least I haven't had any hand seizures so far; they usually start right after the chemo treatment, but I didn't have any yesterday and hope I don't have any today. Also, the fluid buildup continues to disipate. I have now gone from a high of 35 inches around to about 32 and am feeling much more comfortable.

I have noticed that my hair is starting to fall out, not in great clumps, thank goodness. It's more like I'm shedding more hair than usual. It's sort of funny how I realized it was coming out. I have a habit of running my fingers through my hair when I'm thinking or reading, and I was leaning up against a white pillow reading. When I got up and glanced down at the pillow, why, there was a pile of hair on the pillow! Yikes! I ran my hand through my hair and found about 20 hairs between my fingers. Ran my fingers through the hair on the other side of my head. More hair!!!

Every day I spend a few minutes just running my fingers through my hair, straining out the loose ones so I'm not shedding all over the house. Fortunately, I have lots of hair to lose, so I'm not getting anywhere near looking ratty yet. But if it continues at this rate, you might just see me with a shaved head one of these days!

Mac the dog is doing well on his medication. After he gets his heart medication, he goes for several hours with no hacking coughs, and he does seem a bit livelier; at least he doesn't look as sad and tired as he did a couple of weeks ago. He is still sleeping a lot, but he is rather ancient for a dog.

Last Friday afternoon the folks and I got out to visit The Herd. The weather was overcast but warm, so we spent about 45 minutes messing with the horses. In particular, we groomed Pearl, the new addition, and combed a few bird's nests worth of winter coat off of her. She is looking much better now that she is used to her new home. Bear gave me lots of love and nibbled me all over, as usual.

Saturday night mom and I went to the symphony to hear a piece of music I had heard about many times but never listened to: Modest Musorgsky's Pictures From An Exhibition. It was beautiful! We had a wonderful evening out, mom and I.

My hands are starting to stiffen up, so I had best leave off for now. I will update the blog after we see Dr. Cutie on Thursday.

Don't let this miserable, drab weather get you down. Warmer days are a-comin'!

-- Lori


Anonymous said...

You sound so positive! It sounds like you are getting out and about a bit. Dave & I went to a concert at Vic Juba last Thursday - a harmonica player who was absolutely awesome. He played every kind of music genre.You take care - we're both fine. I missed seeing your folks when they were home - next time, I gues.
Love from cousin Frances

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Mac, Lori. Fortunately, you got him on meds in time. One of my cats has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Did they put Mac on Diltiazem or Atenolol? Sounds like he'll be well for some time for you.

Also good to hear your ascites is getting back under control and that you've been out to visit the horses.

Take care,