However, I was feeling pretty rotten this morning. Not because of the chemotherapy, you understand, but because of the morphine. It slows your body systems down to a crawl, particularly your bowels, until your body gets used to it. I was in quite a bit of discomfort today with lots of gas pains. Funny, I never had gas pains before except when I was pregnant. These, however, are much more intense and nasty. I had a really good sleep this afternoon and am feeling much better this evening. I seem to have got my system back on track.
I am so glad you are enjoying the pictures of Bear and me that I posted. Here's another one.
Wish the weather was just a little bit nicer so I could go out and see him every couple of days, but it ain't, so I cain't.
-- Lori
PS: Here's a piece of cowboy wisdom we should all remember: Never squat with your spurs on.
I love your daily quotes. I check in just to see them and if there is writing that is a big bonus.
Karen Lumley
Hi Lori:
I don't think there is a day that goes by that I don't think of you and miss your bubbly personality around here!! You sure got a wonderful gift from your sister in Bear ... I hope that he brings you many, many good times in the New Year.
Take care .. Chickiepoo - B/O
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